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  • 12:00~7:30 PM 開放試戴
  • 台北店 0910074595
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誂別一秀 S10920 ImeMyself Eyewear 下拉式眼鏡 皮腳 可配可配 近視 老花 眼鏡 近视 眼镜 抗藍光 濾藍光 變色鏡片 抗蓝光 滤蓝光 变色镜片 全視線 全视线 frames spectacles glasses Rx prescription for near far sighted reading glass blue light filter blue block lenses ImeMyself Eyewear casual wear clothes and accessories

誂別一秀 S10920 ImeMyself Eyewear 下拉式眼鏡 皮腳 可配可配 近視 老花 眼鏡 近视 眼镜 抗藍光 濾藍光 變色鏡片 抗蓝光 滤蓝光 变色镜片 全視線 全视线 frames spectacles glasses Rx prescription for near far sighted reading glass blue light filter blue block lenses ImeMyself Eyewear casual wear clothes and accessories

  • 編號:22
  • 類別:光學眼鏡-大框
  • 重量:
  • 定價:$11,900
  • 特價:$1,700
  • 數量:


width: 14 cm   height: 4 cm (measured with the frame included)   
Foreign buyers can purchase in my website through PayPal or Payoneer now.    
This item 1700 TWD +240 TWD shipping cost =1940 TWD or 69 USD
Pay 1940 TWD or 69 USD to my PayPal or Payoneer:alex2000tw@gmail.com
Email me and tell me you have paid.
I will ship the package right after the payment is confirmed.
I will offer you the tracking number, the package photos, and the inquiring site after the shipment.
To avoid high customs tax, I usually declare the value to be 39 USD and declare the items to be used eyeglasses, gift, or samples. 
Actually I send you the authentic, original, and unused/brand new ones.
If you want me to declare more or less than 39 USD, please tell me before I ship the package.
(For some countries, I put a note inside the package to claim it’s a bonus to avoid high customs tax.)
PayPal will protect buyers’ purchase. 
I'm law-abiding and trustworthy; you will receive authentic, unused, and original eyeglasses and additional gifts for sure.
Warm regards,


PayPal/Payoneer/Gmail:  alex2000tw@gmail.com   
LINE / WeChat: alex20000tw
WhatsAPP: +886910074595

鏡框高  4 公分      寬  14 公分  


全新真品 誂別一秀 光學眼鏡, 日本手工製皮腳眼鏡, 下拉式咖啡色金屬框加上皮腳套


網友可以依照個人喜好, 挑選皮腳套的顏色, 品味出眾, 非常立體有型.   也可以不加皮套, 直接戴金屬方框, 非常有個性.


原定價9700元, 附原廠眼鏡盒,  原廠拭鏡布,  一組皮腳套, 1700直購, 買到賺到.


鏡框有黑色, 咖啡金色, 和槍色(槍管的顏色, 介於黑色和銀色之間的顏色) 三種顏色 


真皮腳套有黑, 紅, 白, 藍咖啡五種顏色,  上面有不規則藝術壓紋, 購買時請告知您要的鏡框和皮腳套的顏色.


